Love, Lizard Style

Love Lizard Style

Sonoma Overlook Trail, May 8, 2024

Words of affirmation, acts of service, receiving gifts, quality time, physical touch…the five classic Love Languages.

Lizards have their own seduction style. Redefining the term “love bite,” lizard courtship is known to include the male clenching his desired tightly behind the neck, for hours or even days, until she becomes ready to mate.

Sonoma Overlook Trail lizards are no exception; if you come upon a pair thusly engaged, please leave them undisturbed!  The female will emerge from the ritual unharmed.

We Overlook Stewards revere lizards for their own sake as well as for a particular aspect of their role in the eco system that contributes to the protection of humans.  Our local breeds of lizards, including the western fence lizard and the northern alligator lizard shown here, eat ticks and also contain a protein that kills the spirochetes in the guts of Lyme infected ticks. So if an infected tick bites one of these lizards, it’s cured of its Lyme Disease.  This doesn’t preclude the need to take caution in regards to ticks, but it’s one more reason to appreciate our little friends on the trail.

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